Dress Code
- Headgear, Salwar Kameez
(For Girls) - Cap, Kurta and Pyjama
- Black Shoes and White Socks (For Boys)
School Rules & Regulations:
- Every student is expected to attend the school with complete discipline and punctuality.
- Violation in uniform norms will result in strict disciplinary action.
- Parents / Guardian must support their ward in keeping up to date
- with the ongoing completion of school work and actively participate in all competitions conducted by the school authorities
- Parents / Guardians are not allowed to visit their ward and their teachers in the classroom without the permission of Principal / V.P.
- Parents are allowed to meet the teachers on every Saturday between 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm.
- The school reserves the right to dismiss students whose efforts or progress in studies is found unsatisfactory or whose parents/guardian shows little interest in the progress of their wards.
- Immoral behavior, Contempt of authority and willful damage to school property are sufficient reasons for immediate dismissal of a student and are liable to pay the damage incurred.
- No student may absent himself from any test or examination. If he is prevented from doing so on account of illness, a medical certificate will be required.